by cara gibson

21 mama hard devotional

a 21-day devotional For mamas who are already doing hard things but want to challenge their physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

Let’s get real for a second, friend


Do you find yourself constantly rummaging through other mamas' social media feeds and begin feeling like you're about two inches tall?


Have you ever felt like you should be doing more for your kids as mom guilt rears its ugly head?


Is time getting away from you every day, you're so tired, but when you lay your head on your pillow at night you feel like you didn't accomplish much?


Do you feel anxious and worry about your kids' futures?



Which is why I spent time writing this devotional for mamas.  I know what it's like to compare myself to others, allow mom guilt to sink in, struggle with managing my time, and experience postpartum anxiety.

Repeat after me

You are a great mama.
God gave your children to you.
You are the very best for your kids.
You can—and will—go through the hard stuff and come out victorious.


Anxiety is real and many mothers suffer in silence.  In the beginning, I did, too.  At that time, I had a very public life, sharing on social media every day, extremely vulnerable things.  I decided that I needed to share this as well.

god is for motherhood.

It really is that simple.  Motherhood isn’t easy, and our kids didn't come with an instruction manuals, but the standard God has set for mothers helps us to know that we are doing right by our children.


Dive into this devotional today to learn the hard truths and celebrate the incredible mama you are!


Limited time only free bonus

20 sample workouts


free sample workouts from my favorite digital fitness library!

We talk about physical fitness in this devotional- working out is a form of worship to the Lord.  But, it can be a really hard thing to get back into the swing of a workout routine after having kids.


While our bodies will never be the same after having those precious babies, I do believe we can become even stronger than before! 


This PDF includes over 20 workouts from my favorite digital fitness library with all different genres of workout styles- you're sure to find something to get you moving!

i'm so excited to pour into your heart, my mama friend.

Let's dig into the Word together.